Group Class Interest

Introduction to Blockchain and Bitcoin Group Class

We offer group classes for 4-12 people at a time via teams online. For those who are curious about blockchain technology and Bitcoin in particular. We will go over what blockchain is and an overview of how it works. We'll discuss it's advantages and disadvantages and potential use cases.

We will also discuss how to create a bitcoin wallet, how to secure it and how to purchase bitcoin. We'll also discuss how to use bitcoin once you have it.

There will be time for questions at the end.

Please fill out the form to the right to let me know your interest in taking a class. We will coordinate with those interested to set up a group class time once we have at least 4 interested students. The per person cost of the group class attendance is $64.99.


Any topics discussed are for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Any financial decisions based upon any educational information provided are yours alone.